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The How-To Guide for Fitness Motivation in the Pandemic Era

The How-To Guide for Fitness Motivation in the Pandemic Era

08 January 2021

With class reunions, beach vacations, 5k races and many other sources of fitness motivation still on hold - it’s time to dig deep for new ways to stay motivated. If you’ve been missing the feeling of having something to train for, you’re not alone. With this guide you will be ready to redirect and channel personal motivational factors for the pandemic era.


#1 Know Your Statistics


Know your statisticsAs the old saying goes, “what gets measured gets managed”. Your personal statistics are critical for establishing current baselines, defining goals and measuring progress.  Take the first steps by scheduling a routine health screening with your physician, tracking your nightly sleep, investing in a wearable device or activity tracking app to determine your average steps per day. Any and all data collected will be helpful.


#2 Document Your Goals


Use data collected from step 1 to better understand your current baselines and establish realistic goals. Each goal should be associated with progressive steps designed to help you gradually move towards success. Posting your goals and associated steps to success in a highly visible location is a great way to be reminded to stay on track.


#3 Engage in Socially Distanced Workouts


Engage in socially distanced workoutsMany individuals thrive in group workout settings and benefit from the accountability of exercising with others. While traditional group exercise classes are currently on hold, there are still ways to engage in socially distanced group fitness. Where available, group exercise classes have resumed outdoors with limited capacity to ensure a safe distance between participants. If this is not an option in your area, connect with friends for a walk or other safe activity. Be sure to communicate expectations for maintaining personal space, the use of masks and any other expectations prior to meeting.


#4 Give Online Training a Try


There has been an explosion in the popularity of online fitness classes and personal training. App based fitness platforms allow users to login at anytime to access thousands of fitness classes. These apps have impressive video production quality, a tremendous variety of formats and even allow participants to develop a training calendar. There are also premium options such as the Peloton bike, Mirror and Tonal. Thanks to fitness innovation over nearly a year in quarantine, fitness is being delivered to our homes like never before.Give online training a try


#5 Sign Up or a Virtual Event


Virtual fitness events are popping up everywhere and are a great way to stay motivated. These events include multiday meditation challenges, 5k running events, scavenger hunts and much more. Check out websites such as RunSignUp or Active to search for the virtual event that best fits your goals. These events are great ways to add in the motivational edge of competition and hard deadlines.


Whether you are working to drop the quarantine 15, build a habit of routine meditation, level up your fitness or just establish a healthier routine these tips can help you stay motivated. For more tips and resources, check out



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SiteWell Solutions is committed to supporting business and organizations with health, wellness and injury prevention services. A healthy workforce is proven to be more engaged, productive and happier. It is our mission to deliver these outcomes to every organization we serve. Our services include onsite and virtual corporate wellness programs, industrial athlete training, injury prevention services, chronic disease management, employee resilience support services and much more. Contact today to find out how we can optimize your organization.



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