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Our Services

SiteWell Solutions offers an array of health, wellness, and safety services for organizations.  All services are customized and developed to fit the needs of the organization, the nature of work performed, and the needs of the employee population.

Virtual Wellness Solutions

Virtual Wellness Solutions

Remote employee engagement through virtual coaching, fitness classes, 5k events, clinics and more.

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Virtual Wellness Solutions. Remote employee engagement through virtual coaching, fitness clases, 5k events, clinics and more.
Resilience Training

Resilience Training

Bolster productivity and morale through interactive stress management and resilience training.

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Resilience Training. Bolster productivity and morale through interactive stress management and resilient training.
Injury Prevention

Injury Prevention

Proactively build a safer workforce through industry-specific physical conditioning programs.

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Injury Prevention. Bolster productivity and morale through interactive stress management and resilience training.
Chronic Disease Management

Chronic Disease Management

Reduce healthcare costs for organizations and employees through the prevention and management of chronic disease.

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Chronic Disease Management. Reduce absenteeism and increase employee engagement by helping employees gain control of their health.
Facility Implementation and Management

Facility Implementation & Management

Customizable facility design and implementation, results driven program management.

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Facility Implementation & Management. Customizable facility design and implementation, results driven program management.
Industrial Athlete Training

Industrial Athlete Training

Building skills and surpassing the physical conditioning requirements needed for on the job excellence.

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Industrial Athlete Training. Building skills and surpassing the physical conditioning requirements needed for on the job excellence.

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Chelsea worked as the Wellness Program Director for our heavy civil construction project the C-44. She supported the health and safety of approximately 200 employees and contractors by providing health education, fitness training to protect us from common injuries in our line of work. She also helped direct us to a network of local health providers for easier access. Chelsea is passionate about creating a safe work environment through health, fitness and safety.


Cruz Martinez
Superintendent, Barnard

I knew Chelsea when she led the fitness program at Carrier Global. She not only was a fabulous trainer but she managed the fitness center, successfully providing motivating programs and incentives to engage our workforce. She is a great communicator and creatively developed newsletters and flyers to get the workforce interested in the wellness programs her team was running. She supervised and coached the fitness staff, working tirelessly to ensure a smooth-running operation while working with them on personal development. She was a joy to work with and she is sorely missed. I highly recommend Chelsea!
Judy Zeman
Quality Assurance Manager, Carrier Global

For about two years I had the pleasure of working with Chelsea. She was a trainer at Carrier Global as well as an active member of the Network of Women at the company. Chelsea is an amazing trainer as well as health and wellness advocate. Through leveraging her strong networking skills, she made a difference in so many people's lives at the Fitness Center at Carrier Global. Her ability to organize large corporate events with effective promotion and execution led to many successful lunch & learns, 5Ks, triathlons, and other wellness journeys that brought camaraderie and spirit to the company.


She helps empower people to be the best version of themselves through encouragement, her high energy, and her positive and motivating personality. She challenges clients to push themselves and to not be afraid to take their workouts to the next level. This thought process can be applied to other parts of life to strive for success. One key thing that really sets her apart is her level of empathy when working with individuals who are recovering from injuries; as many times injuries are not only physical, but can be emotional as well.

Above all, she makes working out and getting/staying healthy fun!


Florie Vinca
Associate Director, Carrier Global

The Fitness Center is a huge benefit of United Technologies Corporation in Palm Beach Gardens, FL but it must be well maintained. This is what Chelsea did perfectly. She managed the facility so us employees can all work out effectively, she arranged the schedule with classes to fit everyone's calendar, she organized events to stimulate employees and create a "one-company approach", and on top of that she was my personal trainer when I was preparing for the Ironman. Thank you for your dedication and your smile, we miss you!


Yann Parrot
Global Transportation Manager, United Technologies Corporation

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