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Soldiers in Army PT uniforms doing warm-up exercises on a football field with a trainer overseeing them.

Success Stories with Construction Safety – Partner Highlight

16 May 2024

Barnard Construction, MontanaFor Construction Safety week, we wanted to highlight two of our partners that we’ve been so happy to work with and are proud of the program development we’ve been able to achieve together.


With musculoskeletal injuries accounting for 30% of construction injuries, it’s critical to implement an Industrial Athlete training program to properly prepare your workforce for the job ahead.


Barnard Construction, Montana


As a heavy civil construction safety leader, Barnard enhanced its Industrial Athlete program by leveraging our Athletic Training and Strength and Conditioning team for comprehensive work hardening and injury management training. This further contributes to the safety and well-being of Barnard workers. Because of the effort that Barnard puts towards their team, they boast an exceptional safety record, despite the high-risk nature of their job duties.


Martel Construction, Montana


Martel Construction, MontanaThe leadership team of Martel Construction has gone all in on building a holistic health and safety program for their team. To support the physical conditioning demands of their strenuous work, Martel implemented our Wellness 365 program. This program gives their workers access to health education initiatives for weight management, pain-free movement, and stress management. Martel continues to grow at a rapid pace, increasing annual manhours while decreasing injury rates.


SiteWell Solutions supports HR, Safety, and Business Leaders in high-risk industries. We are brought to partner with these companies to focus on preventing injuries, enhancing employee morale, and cutting unnecessary costs. Our specialized services include work hardening programs, occupation-specific conditioning, pre-habilitation, performance nutrition, and mental resilience training. We work collaboratively with businesses to fortify your workforce, boost productivity, and build a safety culture grounded in physical and mental resilience.


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