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Roadmap to Women's Health Milestones

Roadmap to Women's Health Milestones

11 May 2021

The demands on most women’s bandwidth are innumerable. Maintaining personal health often gets pushed to the backburner as a result of hectic careers, active social lives, family responsibility, childcare and other responsibilities. We all know that health is a priority and without it everything else suffers.


This National Women’s Health Week, SiteWell Solutions is asking women everywhere to set time aside to check-in with their personal health. We’re providing a Women’s Health Roadmap to help navigate important preventive care steps at each milestone of adulthood. This guide combines references from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins Medicine. However, we always
recommend that you discuss healthcare with your Primary Care Provider.


Make self-care a priority this National Women’s Health Week and empower others to do the same with the hashtag #NWHW. For additional workplace wellness support, contact




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SiteWell Solutions is committed to supporting business and organizations with health, wellness and injury prevention services. A healthy workforce is proven to be more engaged, productive and happier. It is our mission to deliver these outcomes to every organization we serve. Our services include onsite and virtual corporate wellness programs, industrial athlete training, injury prevention services, chronic disease management, employee resilience support services and much more. Contact today to find out how we can optimize your organization.



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