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Free Resources for Tobacco Cessation

10 February 2019

Old news: tobacco kills. Are you ready for the latest stats? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States. More 41,000 of these deaths result from secondhand smoke exposure. This total equates to about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.  Finally, the average smoker dies 10 years earlier than nonsmokers. Cancer causing carcinogens in other forms of tobacco continue to be a leading cause for mouth, gum, tongue, cheek, esophageal, and pancreatic cancer. We get it; if tobacco products don’t manage to kill you they will still seriously compromise your quality of life.

what happens when a smoker quitsKnowing the negative impact of tobacco does not change the fact that tobacco is a highly addictive substance backed by pervasive companies that dump millions into marketing their products. These same Big Tobacco companies have been the target of multi billion dollar lawsuits which have resulted in over $100 billion in settlement payouts. Many of these payouts go  directly to state government and many states have elected to reallocate those funds to extensive tobacco cessation programs designed to offer state residents all of the tools they need to quit the habit.

The state of Florida, and many others, have developed and maintained comprehensive tobacco cessation programs. Florida residents have free access to a variety of tobacco cessation options through Tobacco Free Florida (TFF). TFF offers 24/7 support through their website, as well as their hotline, and text support. In addition to these coaching and guidance services, TFF can provide free supplies of nicotine lozenges, gum, or patches. A summary of support services can be found at Tobacco Free Florida. This program has been in action for 10 years and boasts incredible results. In 2015 adult smoking in the state of Florida reached an all-time low. The number of young people who started smoking has decreased 71% in the 10 years since TFF has been active. States nationwide have developed effective and in many cases free tobacco cessation programs like TFF. For a full directory visit Nationwide Tobacco Cessation Directory.  With tools and services at your disposal the reasons to not quit tobacco are going up in smoke.



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